Breakfast Club

St Thomas' offers a Breakfast club facility to accommodate families who require additional support with childcare.

Starting at 7.45 until 8.30 at a cost of £3.50 per day.

Parents who would like to book a place for their children can download and complete this form and speak with the school office - booking form.

After school clubs and care providers

St Thomas' offer a range of extra-curricular clubs after school over the course of the academic year. These include a range of sports, as well a number of other activities accounting for the pupils' interests and passions. These clubs change termly and places are able to be booked via your Parentmail app.

Summer Term
Monday Y4-Y6 Football Lego Club KS1 Yoga
Tuesday KS2 Girls' Rugby
Wednesday Y1/Y2 Dance Y3/Y4 Book Club KS2 Yoga
Thursday Y2-Y6 Meditation KS1 Singing

St Thomas' maintains links with local care providers to support families with after school care.

Currently we work with The Avenue Private Day nursery, who offer a walking bus for pupils who attend their after school provision. Further details can be found here: The Avenue Private Day Care LTD

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