

 St Thomas’ delivers its school curriculum through subject specific planning, which includes the National Curriculum and the Early Years Statutory Framework. Learning is determined as 'knowing more and remembering more' of our specified school curriculum. Curriculum is the planned body of knowledge, skills and attributes pupils are expected to have gained by the end of Key Stage 2. 

Our Curriculum is as ambitious as the National Curriculum. The National Curriculum can be viewed here - National Curriculum. Each unit is personalised to our local context.

Our School Curriculum is sequential and progressional in the gaining of substantive knowledge (which includes declarative knowledge (what children should know) Some subjects also have specific disciplinary knowledge directly related to the development of expertise within the subject; how to be scientist, geographers and historians.

The coverage of the National Curriculum within our broader, richer and deeper personalised School Curriculum can also be viewed in these documents. We use well-selected schemes to support some of our subjects, both for enriching subject knowledge and for consistency within and between classes/year groups.

Parents and other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum our school delivers to our children by contacting the school office, who will direct you through to either your child's class teacher, a subject leader or a senior leader depending upon the nature of your query.

St Thomas' Curriculum

  • Early Years - Curriculum Overview

    To download the  file: CLICK HERE

  • Years 1 - Curriculum Overview

    To download the  file: CLICK HERE

  • Years 2 - Curriculum Overview

    To download the  file: CLICK HERE

  • Years 3 - Curriculum Overview

    To download the  file: CLICK HERE

  • Years 4- Curriculum Overview

    To download the  file: CLICK HERE

  • Years 5- Curriculum Overview

    To download the  file: CLICK HERE

  • Years 6 - Curriculum Overview

    To download the  file: CLICK HERE

Supporting your child to read

Our reading resources are taken from a wide variety of published schemes, colour banded to aid progression in reading skills. Teaching in phonics follows the Sounds Write programme.
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