Our latest SIAMS inspection took place on Thursday 22nd November 2018. We welcomed Mr Peter Coates & Ms Allyson Taylor into school, some of their findings are detailed below.
With God's love, each member of our fellowship will flourish and succeed, growing into unique individuals well prepared for life's journey. Respect will be at the heart of our school, allowing us to value the strengths, the wisdom and the diversity of others. Love one another as I have loved you. John 13:34
The school's skilfully and collaboratively established Christian vision profoundly influences everything which happens at St Thomas'. It is shared and embraced by all members of the school community with significant impact on the lives of pupils enabling them to flourish.
Staff speak of the outstanding support and encouragement given to them to enable them to be the best that they can.
Pupils behave very well and enjoy positive, supportive relationships with one another and with adults and this give a purposeful and calm atmosphere to the school.
The dedicated pastoral team, along with the staff, generously invest time and energy into ensuring any barriers to learning are effectively addressed.
The nurture of all pupils throughout the school is exceptional. This, along with the strong Christian ethos encourages good mental health and enables all to thrive and to live out the schools inspiration to 'love one another as I have loved you'
Bullying in any form was highly uncharacteristic and problem which arise are quickly and effectively resolved.
Parents reported their children's love of school and learning.
Every member of the school community, whatever their background or circumstance, is treated with dignity and as an individual who is known and nurtured. Pupils feels safe in a culture of mutual respect.