End of Key Stage 2 Performance
Here at Saint Thomas' we are dedicated to creating an efficient environment to allow our students to be able to access the learning they need.
To be able to see all the hard work we've done, click the link below. All of our performance tables are hosted by the Government.
Pupil Premium Funding
The Pupil Premium & Catch -up Premium are grants provided from central government direct to schools. It is in addition to the school's delegated budget and is targeted to support the following uses:
Use of Pupil Premium funding: It’s up to school leaders to decide how to spend the pupil premium. This is because school leaders are best-placed to assess their pupils’ needs and use funding to improve attainment. Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when schools use a tiered approach, targeting spending across the following 3 areas below but focusing on teaching quality - investing in learning and development for teachers.
Teaching - Schools arrange training and professional development for all the their staff to improve the impact of teaching and learning for pupils. Academic support - Schools should decide on the main issues stopping their pupils from succeeding at school and use the pupil premium to buy extra help.
Wider approaches - This may include non-academic use of the pupil premium such as: school breakfast clubs, music lessons for disadvantaged pupils, help with the cost of educational trips or visits, speech and language therapy.
Schools may find using the pupil premium in this way helps to:
Schools can spend their pupil premium on pupils who do not meet the eligibility criteria but need extra support.
Use of Catch-up funding: Schools should use this funding for specific activities to support their pupils to catch up for lost teaching over the previous months, in line with the curriculum expectations for the next academic year in actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak. While schools can use their funding in a way that suits their cohort and circumstances, they are expected to use this funding for specific activities which will help pupils catch up on missed education.
In school we have 110 pupils who are entitled to benefit from the additional funding.
The total amount of Pupil Premium allocated to the school for 2024-2025 is £164,330
The total amount of recovery premium allocated to the school for 2024-2025 is £3,951
PE & Sports Funding
The PE and Sports Grant funding is provided from central government, through local government, direct to schools. It is in addition to the school’s delegated budget and is targeted to support enhancements in physical education, sports, club opportunities and healthy lifestyles.
Schools have had the freedom to spend the PE and Sports grant, which is additional to the underlying schools budget, in a way that they think will best support achieving the objectives and the national criteria.
The criteria are:
and will be expected to deliver impact against the following 5 key indicators:
The school sought to spend the money directly on key initiatives that would have a specific impact on the achievement of the PE, sport and healthy lifestyle objectives.
This means that we will use the PE and sport premium to:
We will use the PE and sport premium to secure improvements in the following 4 key indicators. Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity, by:
During the year the school’s PE & Sport Subject Leader monitors the impact of each of the strands to ensure their effectiveness.
Examples of this monitoring include reporting to the Sports and Wellbeing Curriculum team, updates from the staff, feedback from the school council and Sport’s Crew. The PE and Sports Subject Leader will report to SLT and the Governors annually and deliver termly updates at staff meetings.
PE & Sports premium funding plan
For the previous year's version of the PE & Sports Grant spending please see the link below:
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