PSHE at St Thomas'

Within a Christian context, the school's PSHE curriculum enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.  It aims to help them understand how they can develop personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.  We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be part of a diverse society.  Our children are encouraged to develop a sense of self-worth and play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.

Relationship & Sex Education

As part of our statutory duty, we ensure that our pupils receive age appropriate education about relationship and sex education. We use SCARF our PSHE programme to deliver this content.

What is Relationships Sexual Health and Parenthood Education?

Relationships Sexual Health and Parenthood Education in primary schools should teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults. At Coram Life Education we believe that children should learn about relationships as well as the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, human sexuality and sexual health, in an age-appropriate way. This goes beyond learning about relationships, to include puberty, how a baby is conceived and born, body ownership, and safeguarding. Although we refer to our resources as our RHSP programme, they also include elements of Health and Wellbeing.

Our RSHP lessons are a key part of SCARF – our programme and resources for schools which provides much more than a H&WB scheme of work. SCARF provides the framework for a whole- school approach to improving children’s wellbeing and attainment, based on the five SCARF values of safety (S),caring (C),achievement (A), resilience (R) and friendship (F).

Our RSHP resources help children and young people to be safe, healthy and happy as they grow, and in their future lives. In the following pages you will see how our programme builds each year, introducing each theme in an age-appropriate way.

Further information on what is taught in each year group can be found here

Our RSE lessons are taught in summer term and a letter informing parents of this will be sent prior to the lessons. Parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of the non-statutory Sex Education our school teaches but not Relationships Education. More information can be found in our PSHE & RSE policy. If you have any further queries related to this please contact your class teacher or the school office to arrange a meeting.

Further information regarding this area of the curriculum can be found here: RSE Primary Schools guide for parents and carers.

  • RSE curriculum provision

    Growing & changing learning sequence

  • RSE curriculum provision

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  • RSE curriculum provision

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  • RSE curriculum provision

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Protected characteristics

As part of our Equalities duty we ensure that our pupils are taught about the nine characteristics protected in UK law.

SCARF covers this in their scheme of work and the year group coverage of these can be found in the link below:

Protected Characteristics - year group coverage

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