
"Safeguarding is the most important job we do in school. Ensuring we have happy, healthy children who feel safe and secure is our main aim and we believe that children are entitled to dignity, respect and a life free from any type of abuse. Children should have their childhood and innocence. We make the decisions when it is the right time to inform and educate them about the world in which they live and prepare them well for life’s journey. All staff in school have a responsibility to be vigilant and recognise any kind of abuse and have a legal duty to report this to the school’s designated safeguarding team."

                                                                                       - Mrs C Royal, Safeguarding Lead

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Teaching & Learning Consultancy - Safeguarding & Behaviour Review January 2023

We recently took the opportunity to review our behaviour and safeguarding in school, working with Teaching and Learning Consultancy, a nationally recognised leader in this field, to quality assure our practices.

After our initial review, we are pleased to continue to work with Teaching & Learning Consultancy to ensure our practices continue to remain of the highest standard.

Safeguarding & Behaviour Report January 2023

Safeguarding & Online Safety

At St Thomas’, we take the upmost care to try and keep our children safe when using digital technology. To make our provision as safe as is reasonably possible, we engage with technology partners to implement protective measures on our network to make Internet access age appropriate. We take a multi-faceted approach.

Below is a brief overview of the systems that have been put in place:


We use this to control what type of communications can come in and out of our network. Whilst we let most traffic flow out of our network, we are protective about what we let in.

On-site Web Filtering

The bulk of our web protection come in the form of an on-site web filter. We use this to block whole categories of websites that complies with the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF). We can manually allow or disallow particular URLs also and we can differentiate devices for different filtering levels.

Cloud Filter

Any traffic that passes out of our Internet connection goes through a Cloud based DNS web filter. This helps to stop malicious websites from being unknowingly accessed by our users. We also use this to enforce that the search engines we use MUST have safe search functionality to filter out mature content. We also block several top-level domains with this which are more likely to be mature or malicious in content.

Device Monitoring

Whilst we acknowledge that web-filtering is always only ever best effort, we also have an online safety platform (SENSO) that is installed on all our Windows and Chromebook devices that monitors their usage around the clock, from anywhere that Internet is available to the devices. This is works in the form of screen reading looking for ‘violations’ based on several keyword categorisation. Violations are logged immediately and are reviewed regularly. 

 Safeguarding Leadership team

Every member of our team is trained and has specialist knowledge in safeguarding. 
Each one brings a unique set of skills and expertise to the team. 

Operation Encompass

Operation Encompass is a new initiative which will endeavour to provide support for children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse in their household. It is a partnership between the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Wigan Safeguarding Children’s Board and designated school staff, known as Key Adults. The MASH team will inform Key Adults within schools about any domestic abuse incident where the child has been present or affected. This will enable schools to take appropriate steps to support our pupils during what could be an emotionally difficult time.

Online Safety

The main reason that we provide internet access to our teachers and pupils is to promote educational excellence by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. Internet access will be authorised once parents and pupils have returned the signed consent form as part of the Acceptable Use Policy. A record will be kept by the school office of all pupils who have been granted internet access.

All school systems are protected by up-to-date virus software. Sophos provides online security for our school. Sophos guards the schools’ internet connections from threats that are posed to internet users and the network infrastructure. This helps to prevent hacking of systems and data and a wide range of malware, viruses etc. This also helps to restrict access to inappropriate web-content.
Find out more about how children use social media, the apps they use, potential risks they face, using privacy settings and advice and tips on how to talk to your children about e-safety by clicking on the following links:
Another point to keeping children safe online would be parental controls. Making sure that children are not able to access adult content online is actually easier than one may think. There are lots of different services on the internet. Here are some useful links to do with some of services that children may often access.

Additionally using child friendly software that service providers have created separately and specifically for children is a great help to combat problems that circulate online. 

You can also find additional information on online safety below in the format of an PDF.

Download "Let's talk about life online"
For more PDF's about online safety like the one above then there is a link below for the "The Parent" and "Carer Toolkit": 
The Parent and Carer Toolkit

Home Tutoring guidance

To download the document with advice on home tutoring, click the button below.

Home Tutors
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